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The description connected to the clicked image is displayed here. < br > < br > Note: for performance reasons, images are not resized and must be all of the same size. </ div > </ div > </ div ></ div > < div id ="imgsrc" style ="visibility:hidden" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9097.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9092.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9084.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9064.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9050.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9070.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9079.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9068.jpg" > < img src ="http://www.webjx.com/upfiles/20050411/BS9039.jpg" > </ div > < div id ="txtsrc" style ="visibility:hidden" > < div > < h2 > the river </ h2 >< br > Awaken from my nap by the river </ div > < div > < h2 > transparency </ h2 >< br > Its transparency was hypnotizing. </ div > < div > < h2 > cold </ h2 >< br > Currents of cold water played with light. </ div > < div > < h2 > sank in </ h2 >< br > I threw a few nuts into the river. They floated for a while, then sank in. </ div > < div > < h2 > masked </ h2 >< br > A wide stepping stone masked the water's depth. </ div > < div > < h2 > a glimpse </ h2 >< br > Later on, I had a glimpse of the river's bed. </ div > < div > < h2 > forgotten </ h2 >< br > The wheelchair made a noise. Again, I had forgotten about my legs. </ div > < div > < h2 > floated </ h2 >< br > Still, I floated in oblivion of things too real. </ div > < div > < h2 > for me </ h2 >< br > I stared fixedly at the water's open arms. The stream was singing for me. </ div > </ div > <!-- crossbrowser images_loading_bar - Gerard Ferrandez - www.dhteumeuleu.com - Feb 2005 --> < span id =LB0 style ="position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%;" >< span style ="position:absolute;font-family:arial;font-size:10px;color:#FFFFFF;left:-50;top:-18" > Loading... </ span > < span style ="position:absolute;left:-50;top:-5;font-size:1px;width:100;height:10px;background:#333" >< span id =LB1 style ="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;font-size:1px;width:0;height:10px;background:#FFFFFF" ></ span ></ span ></ span > < script > ... m00=document.getElementById("imgsrc").getElementsByTagName("img");m01=m00.length;function images_loading_bar()...{m02=0;for(i=0;i<m01;i++)m02+=(m00[i].complete)?1:0;document.getElementById("LB1").style.width=Math.round(m02/m01*100);if(m02==m01)setTimeout("document.getElementById('LB0').style.display='none'",128); else setTimeout("images_loading_bar()", 64);};images_loading_bar(); </ script > <!-- end of images_loading_bar code --> </ body > </ html >